FLX CANDIDATES: Jackson Puylara talks Seneca Falls Town Board race, biggest issues for residents

Editor’s Note: If you are a candidate and would like to be featured in this series send an email to [email protected] to schedule a time ahead of Election Day.

  • If you’d like to see all of the candidates featured so far click here.

Today we continue our series previewing contested races across the Finger Lakes by sitting down with one of the candidates running for Seneca Falls Town Board. Jackson Puylara is unusual, given that he is the youngest candidate in a contested race in our coverage area. He says his candidacy was born out of an interest in town government, which came from seeing a number of hot-button issues make headlines and raise concern among residents. Whether it’s flooding caused by outdated infrastructure, the need for affordable single-family housing, or development around tourism – all three are important, Puylara says, to the future of the community.



Read the full article here


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