NYS announces sale of 2023-24 hunting and trapping licenses

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has announced that hunting and trapping licenses, along with Deer Management Permits (DMPs), for the 2023-24 season are now available for purchase.

Emphasizing the importance of hunter safety, Commissioner Basil Seggos pointed out that the tradition of hunting attracts an estimated half a million New Yorkers each year. The licenses and permits can be bought online, from DECโ€™s license-issuing agents, or via telephone at 866-933-2257, and are valid from September 1 through August 31.

In addition to the licenses, the DEC is promoting the Habitat & Access Stamp, a $5 item that aids in conservation projects and habitat improvement. The funds from this stamp support initiatives to conserve habitat and enhance public access for wildlife-related activities. This year, the stamp features an opossum. The DECโ€™s Call Center has also expanded its hours through November 30 to accommodate purchasers. Additional details, including requirements for purchasing, are available on DECโ€™s General Sporting License Information webpage.

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