PUBLIC NOTICE: 3-day notice of intent to file an application

North Seneca Solar Project, LLC is proposing to construct the North Seneca Solar Project, a major solar electric  generating facility, under Section 94-c of the Executive Law (Section 94-c). This notice announces that on or about February 29, 2024, North Seneca Solar Project, LLC intends to file an Application with the Office of Renewable  Energy Siting (“ORES” or the “Office”), pursuant to Section 94-c seeking a Siting Permit from the Office authorizing  the construction and operation of the North Seneca Solar Project. The 94-c process has been implemented by rules  enacted by the Office and establishes a review process with uniform standards and conditions for all renewable energy  projects. The uniform standards and conditions are available at 19 NYCRR 900-6 and 

The North Seneca Solar Project is proposed to be an up to 90 megawatt (MW) solar photovoltaic electric generating  facility to be located in the Towns of Waterloo and Junius, Seneca County, New York (the “Project”). The Facility  will consist of photovoltaic panel arrays, as well as associated inverters, electric collection lines, a point of  interconnection (POI), an on-site collection substation, access roads, and fence lines (the “Facility”). The POI will  connect the Facility substation to the existing National Grid 115 kilovolt transmission line and will serve the NYISO  power grid. 

The Facility is a zero-emission solar energy facility that will help meet the State goals of the Climate Leadership and  Protection Act and State Energy Plan, which includes obtaining 70% of energy generation from renewable sources by  2030 and significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Other positive impacts of the Project include diversifying  energy supplies, diversifying sources of income for landowners through land lease payments and easement  agreements, new employment opportunities, increased tax revenues to the Towns of Waterloo and Junius,…

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