Winter weather related safety behaviors are top of mind at Seneca Meadows this time of year. When the snow flurries flutter around, our morning safety huddles, and safety breakfasts include discussions on proper clothing and slowing down.
These snow, ice and cold safety tips that are constant no matter at work, home or play:
- Use proper clothing and footwear.
- Walk like a penguin.
- Use sufficiently treaded & inflated tires when driving.
- Use a light touch on acceleration and braking.
- Understand your vehicle braking capacity and brake early.
- Leave extra room for maneuvering.
- Be on alert for black ice conditions.
We are very repetitive on one safety behavior this time of year, and that behavior is to,ย slow down. The posted speed limits do not apply with inclement road conditions. Braking ability, maneuverability and visibility are likely reduced.ย Speed kills and we all want to get home safe.ย
Kyle leads sports coverage and hosts the Concrete Jungle podcast. Have a lead or question? Send it to [emailย protected].
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