The Most Weird and Wonderful Uses of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is certainly the technology of the moment, it’s being used in all kinds of inventive ways. From people cheating on their academic essays to police using it to catch criminals online, there seem to be few limits to what human inventiveness and artificial intelligence can achieve together. Whilst some of the innovation surrounding AI makes complete sense, there are other inventive uses that are altogether stranger. We’re going to take a look at a cross-section of AI uses that encapsulate both the weirdest and the most wonderful potential of this powerful technology.

Plant Pollination

The natural world does so much for us, but the effects that humans are having on the planet are threatening to change this forever. As it stands, bees pollinate an incredible percentage of our food, in Europe, around 84%. If bees disappeared entirely today, then we would last about four years before all human life was wiped out; that’s how important bees are. However, the existence of bees is being threatened by climate change, pesticides, and unsustainable farming practices. In response to this, one company has created what they believe could be a stop-gap solution, to help maintain food security for humans and fill in the gaps that bees are leaving.

Robotic bees have been created that use GPS data to find their way from plant to plant. They have built-in high-resolution cameras that help the robot bees to locate the areas of the plant with the most pollen. So far the test runs have been small, as these bees can be prohibitively expensive to create. However, the robotic bees are at least as successful as real bees when it comes to pollinating and if their costs can be lowered, they could become a viable alternative in the future.

Brewing Beer

Have you ever thought you’d do a better job at brewing beer yourself? After all, you know all of the elements you like the most in a pint of beer, so you’d surely come up with something perfectly suited to your own…

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