Tompkins legislators seek expansion of public notice outlets at state-level as newspapers die

Local lawmakers in Tompkins County are pushing for a legislative amendment that would expand the publication of official public notices beyond the currently mandated Ithaca Journal.

The Ithaca Voice reports the countyโ€™s Government Operations Committee passed a resolution on November 2, calling on state legislators to endorse a bill that would permit public notices to be posted in online publications.

This resolution is set to be reviewed by the full 14-member county legislature on November 21.

New York State law currently requires county governments to publish notices in the official county newspaper, which for Tompkins County is The Ithaca Journal. Due to the criteria stipulating that the newspaper must be printed and published daily, digital-only publications are ineligible.

Despite being the designated publication, The Ithaca Journal, now with a drastically reduced staff, has seen a significant decline in local coverage, a fact that has not gone unnoticed by local legislators.

Read the full article here


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