Wayne County to host international World Fife & Drum Festival

After a six-year hiatus in America, the World Fife and Drum Friendship Festival is making its triumphant return to Wayne County this Labor Day Weekend.

Over 120 skilled fife and drum corps members from nations including Belgium, France, Italy, and the U.S. are set to grace various stages across the county.

Orchestrated by Macedonโ€™s Towpath Volunteers Fife and Drum Corps, the festival, which originated in 2015, aims to celebrate diverse cultures, uniting them through the universal language of music.

The weekend promises a mesmerizing blend of history and sound, with each corps showcasing their unique traditions. Performers include the esteemed Trommelfluit from Belgium, Franceโ€™s Les Fifres et Tambours de Saint-Tropez, Italyโ€™s Pifferi e Tamburi di Ivrea, and New Yorkโ€™s own Camden Continentals and Towpath Volunteers. Events span across three days, from the Macedon Heritage Festival on September 2nd to the grand collaboration of all corps on September 4th at Historic Fort Ontario.

With concerts free to the public, residents and visitors alike have a unique opportunity to revel in these melodic festivities. For a full festival schedule or additional details, interested parties can visit www.towpathvolunteers.org.

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