Weedsport CSD calls on residents to participate in mascot design process

The Weedsport Central School District is calling on its residents to participate in the design process for its new mascot and logo.

Community members have until December 29 to submit their design ideas and feedback. The district recently made the decision to adopt the Wolverines as their new mascot, moving away from the former Warriors moniker.

This change has prompted the need for a fresh visual identity to represent the district and its teams.

A committee comprising students and staff will review the community submissions and make recommendations to the Board of Education for the final logo design. Those interested in contributing to this creative process can send their designs and feedback to the districtโ€™s dedicated email, [emailย protected].

The district has also provided specific criteria for the designs on its website, guiding residents in creating a logo that aligns with the districtโ€™s vision and the new Wolverine mascot.

Read the full article here


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