The Transition Network’s Long Island chapter seeks to diversify membership

When she joined The Transition Network’s Long Island chapter, Doreen Rose said she was the only Black woman out of about 800 members.

Seven years later, she is still one of the few women of color in the group — but now, its leaders are trying to change that.

The group, a social network for women over 50 with chapters across the country, has in recent years made a concerted effort to diversify its membership, expanding its outreach and collaborating with organizations such as Syosset-based ERASE Racism and the Women’s Diversity Network in Miller Place. Next month, the Long Island chapter will hold an open house for new and existing members, with the hope that women from across the Island will join.

“To live fully, we all need to know people, ideas and customs besides those in which we were born and raised,” said Nella Yelenovic, administrator of the Long Island chapter’s anti-racism task force. “To develop into my richest self and to truly be a soul of humanity, I need to be exposed to all kinds of people and draw from the wealth of who they are and their experiences. I believe this is not my personal need, but a goal to which every single person should aspire.”

Culture, canasta, cooking

Founded in 2002 as a space where women over 50 could reimagine their lives in retirement, The Transition Network has since grown to 3,000 members in 15 chapters, including one that’s “coast to coast” and meets virtually. The Long Island chapter is the largest, said its chairperson, Lindsey Draves.

The local group offers chapterwide and national events, as well as monthly discussion groups, author events and talks with experts like James Coll, a retired detective and adjunct professor at Nassau Community College who recently spoke to members about a woman’s right to choose and her right to privacy.

There are six hiking and walking groups, book clubs and opportunities for members to play canasta and mahjong, as well as share their passion for cooking…

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