MONTGOMERY- Bean’s Betes proudly celebrates its groundbreaking subscription box service approaching its two year anniversary with the launch of the book “Robot Parts,” authored by type 1 diabetic Laura “Bean” Aiello. Bean’s Betes is taking significant strides in transforming the lives of those with diabetes, providing them with the tools they need to embrace their condition with confidence and courage, with some fun sprinkled in.
Bean’s Betes Subscription Box: Celebrating Two Years
Bean’s Betes subscription box service, the “Bean’s Betes Box” designed to empower those with diabetes on their journey, has been shipping to both the United States and Canada for two years. The Bean’s Betes Subscription Box is a carefully curated monthly package filled with a delightful assortment of gifts, supplies, and snacks tailored to diabetics. The contents of the box aim to help diabetics sample products that are often costly to buy upfront, making diabetes management an engaging and enjoyable experience.
At Bean’s Betes, we understand that support and encouragement are paramount to cultivating a positive outlook towards diabetes. Through our subscription box, we strive to foster a sense of community, where all affected by diabetes can feel confident, capable, and supported.
“Robot Parts” by Laura Aiello: A Day in the Life of a Type 1 Diabetic
Accompanying the Bean’s Betes Box is the release of the heartwarming children’s book, “Robot Parts,” authored by the talented Laura Aiello. This charming tale follows the daily journey of a brave young robot protagonist who has a surprise in store for readers at the end!
“Robot Parts” ingeniously weaves together a charming narrative with valuable information for children about diabetes management. The story not only entertains but also empowers young readers.
Bean’s Betes founder, Laura Aiello, shared their vision for this exceptional initiative,…
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