POUGHKEEPSIE – Firefighters from as far away as Westchester County joined Dutchess residents at a blood drive on Tuesday in honor of Poughkeepsie Fire Chief Joe Franco. The timing of the drive coincided with a critical shortage of available blood, according to the Red Cross.
Chief Franco is suffering complications from recent surgeries, including “yet-to-be-stopped” slow blood loss, he said, adding, “Apparently I’m running a few quarts low which isn’t good,” joked the US Navy veteran and 40-year firefighter.
To help address the need for blood donations and help the chief at the same time, Mid-Hudson News partnered with the American Red Cross, specifically Susan Sommer, the Red Cross account manager, for blood services in the lower Hudson Valley, to draw donors to Vassar Brothers Medical Center on September 26 to give blood.
According to Sommer, who is retiring on Friday, the blood drive results were “awesome.”
Sixty donors registered for the drive with nine being deferred for one reason or another. In total, 56 units of blood were collected, including five “power red” units.
Thankful for the number of donors and the distances traveled, Sommers expressed thanks to everyone involved. “It takes a village and you all contributed to this enormously and with passion.”
While the “Franco” donations are helpful, the critical blood shortage still exists.
To make an appointment to give blood or platelets, donors can use the Red Cross Blood App, visit RedCrossBlood.org, or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
Read the full article here
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