City dismantling pavilion at request of neighbors

POUGHKEEPSIE – Mayor Marc Nelson was asked by community members on Monday to remove the pavilion from Earline Patrice Park, more commonly referred to as Mansion Square Park.  The neighbors of the park had lodged several complaints regarding vagrants that had “taken over” the pavilion and the surrounding area of the park.

The original story about the vagrancy at the pavilion, including open campfires, can be found here.

On Wednesday, City of Poughkeepsie DPW workers began dismantling the structure to prepare it for storage until it can be better utilized at another city park.

While workers were preparing the structure for dismantling, one of the more aggressive park residents, known for concealing weapons including an axe, approached the Mid-Hudson News reporter covering the park and began making threats of physical harm.  The threats were observed by the city workers and one of them called 911 to report the incident.

The police arrived and de-escalated the subject and advised him to pack up his belongings and his pit bull terrier and relocate to another area of the park.

The crew returned to their task and the reporter continued to take photographs.

Mayor Nelson told Mid-Hudson News on Monday night that he was going to work with DPW to develop a plan for the building, based on requests from neighbors of the park.  On Wednesday, just hours after the work began, Nelson said, “The pavilion did not see the anticipated public use in support of numerous community events that are held at this park every year,” adding that the building had become “a magnet for individuals whose activities negatively impact the quality of life in the neighborhood.” 

Nelson also recognized the rapid response from the DPW and Parks and Recreation Commissioner Brian Laffin who worked to make the arrangements.  “I’d like to thank our team at DPW for responding so quickly and addressing this community request.”

Read the full article here


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