Cornell Cooperative in Dutchess launches 49th annual Master Gardener Program

MILLBROOK – It may not feel like it just yet, but Cornell Cooperative Extension Dutchess County (CCEDC) is preparing for a strong Spring season with the Master Gardener Volunteer Program, now in its 49th year of serving the communities throughout Dutchess County. Dutchess was the first county in New York State to offer this volunteer opportunity.

The mission of this national educational program is, “to prepare volunteers to be peer educators who build relationships with community audiences to integrate local experience and research-based knowledge in planning for and initiating steps to manage gardens, lawns, and landscapes with an emphasis on food security and environmental stewardship.”

“There are few reasons that this program is important,” said Heather Brenner, Community Horticulture Program Coordinator. “Just our hotline and lecture series alone provide easy community access when neighbors and residents have horticulture questions. We provide information on a variety of diverse issues happening in their garden; pests, techniques, diagnosis and cost-effective ideas. The Master Gardeners are volunteers helping neighbors.”

Within Dutchess County, and throughout New York State, active Master Gardener volunteers go through comprehensive training and contribute over 100 hours throughout the 21 months before earning the title “Master Gardener.” They do this by volunteering on the free “Horticulture Hotline” which provides direct access to Master Gardeners regarding gardening questions. Last year, they fielded more than 650 calls! A robust “Speakers Bureau” provides scheduled workshops, demonstrations and lectures on current horticultural issues. Volunteers table at community events and farmers markets as “Ask a Master Gardener” booths for walk-up inquiries and also maintain the demonstration gardens surrounding the Farm and Home Center in Millbrook. In 2023, over 2100 residents were provided with assistance and…

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