PORT JERVIS – Confusion over the height and clearance of a historic railroad trestle in Port Jervis was reported by those involved as a likely factor in a three-vehicle incident that occurred on the city’s East Main Street Saturday evening.
The driver of a tractor-trailer rig that was traveling along East Main Street into the city just before 8 p.m. was involved in an accident that sent him to the hospital. As the truck made its approach to a low clearance vintage railroad trestle, it passed two signs advising of different height considerations and was then met with lettering on the bridge itself.
The sign furthest from the trestle reads “Actual Bridge Height 13’ 8”. The sign just before the bridge advises “Low Clearance 12’ 8”. Wording on the bridge matches the closer sign, stating “12’8” Clearance.”
As relayed by the drivers of the two involved cars, the driver of the truck chose to back his truck up rather than proceeding through the trestle. In doing so, he struck a car behind him. Realizing he had struck something, he exited his truck and walked toward the rear of his vehicle. While walking in the roadway toward the back of his truck, he was struck by an approaching car.
The female driver of that car said she did not see the truck driver as he was walking. She said a car coming toward her had its bright lights on, which may have impacted the situation as it was unfolding.
The driver of the car that had been struck by the tractor-trailer verified this accounting of the accident. He stated it seemed to be just one of those unintentional things that happen in an instant. He was glad that no one was seriously hurt.
The truck driver was taken by ambulance to Bon Secours Community Hospital for what was reported by observers on scene as an injury to his arm.
Port Jervis Police, Fire Department, and Ambulance Corps were on scene.
Read the full article here
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