Cuddebackville man arrested for selling wild caught trout

GOSHEN – A 55-year-old Cuddebackville man has been charged with violating state environmental conservation law by selling wild caught trout in violation of the law.

Robert Everett was arrested on July 7, but the case was not announced until this Friday.

As the charges are not bail eligible under 2019 bail reform legislation, he was issued an appearance ticket returnable to Deerpark Town Justice Court.

If convicted, he faces up to a $5,000 fine and one year incarceration.

As alleged in charging documents in court, Everett sold hundreds of dollars’ worth of wild caught trout on various dates in May. On May 24, after selling a quantity trout, he offered to sell more of the fish.

The following day, DEC Police executed a search warrant at Everett’s home and recovered trout that was valued at more than $480. In total, police recovered just under 40 pounds of trout valued at over $700.

On March 31, Everett was issued two summonses for illegal possession of fish and taking fish out of season after he was caught fishing along the Neversink River prior to the start of the legal trout season.

“Enjoying our natural resources is a shared privilege and also a shared responsibility,” said District Attorney David Hoovler. “The laws enacted to protect wildlife apply to everyone who seeks to partake in outdoor activities. Where, as is alleged in this case, an individual seeks to profit in violation of the laws meant to protect wildlife, law enforcement will look to hold those responsible to account for their actions.”

Read the full article here


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