Dispute between board member and former supervisor comes to blows


ELDRED- A dispute between a Town of Highland board member and the town’s former supervisor at the Yulan Firehouse quickly escalated to blows with the board member striking the former supervisor in the mouth.  Both men are Republicans and are members of the volunteer fire company.

According to former supervisor Jeff Haas, he and current town board member Tom Migliorino were at the firehouse on Thursday evening for a training drill.  Haas said he and Miglorino began arguing about local politics and the governance of the town.  At Miglorino’s request, the dispute moved outside where it turned physical.  According to Haas, once outside Miglorino aggressively came toward him.  Haas said he attempted to put space between he and Miglorino by pushing him against a wall.  Subsequently, Miglorino swung at Haas, hitting him in the mouth and injuring him.

Haas says that other members of the fire department pulled Miglorino away from him.  The men are not strangers and have known each other for man years through both the fire department and community.  They did not serve in town government together as Miglorino began his term on the board last month, just after Haas concluded his time as supervisor.

On Friday, Miglorino was contacted by phone and when asked about the incident said he had no comment.

Haas said he filed a complaint with the Sullivan County Sheriff’s office.

Read the full article here


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