DPW works to maintain Soldiers Memorial Fountain

POUGHKEEPSIE – DPW staffers were working on Soldiers Memorial Fountain on Friday, to keep the memorial to Union soldiers who died during the Civil War, in working condition.  The fountain, one of four in existence, was dedicated to the City of Poughkeepsie on July 4, 1870.

The fountain, capped by the Goddess Demeter, features 24 water jets imported from Paris during the fountain’s construction in the 1800s.

Three other fountains were cast from the same mold in New York City and were placed in Savannah, Georgia, Madison, Indiana, and Cusco, Peru.  The most notable, often called the Poughkeepsie fountain’s twin, is in Savannah.

On Friday, DPW workers were repairing piping to the upper bowl and pump to ensure each nozzle has the same amount of water flowing through them, according to the City of Poughkeepsie DPW Commissioner Chris Gent.  The workers also gave the fountain a cleaning to keep the fountain looking bright.

Gent commended his staff for their work.  “The city DPW crews do a tremendous amount of work trying to keep the city clean and functioning properly, and I’m proud of the work they do.”

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