Gatekeepers train to prevent suicides (VIDEO)

MONTICELLO – Eleven members of the Sullivan County community have become QPR gatekeeper trainees at part of Sullivan 180’s program to prevent suicides.

Sullivan 180 is a non-profit organization with a mission to improve the health and well-being of county residents.

QPR stands for question, persuade and refer, says Amanda Langseder, managing director of Sullivan 180.

“It is an evidence-based suicide prevention program. It really is an intervention to bring right out to the community, to lay people, to firefighters, to schoolteachers, nurses, our volunteers, our community health champions, anyone who really wants to be able to appropriately respond when they are interacting with somebody who is having suicidal inclinations,” she said.

QPR master trainer instruction Jill Holland said training will help identify early intervention that can save lives.

Read the full article here


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