Letter to the Editor: I am supporting Tommy Zurhellen and why other young people should too

Dear Editor,

This fall, I have proudly casted my vote for Tommy Zurhellen for Dutchess County Executive.  As a first year college student, not many people my age are as tuned in and interested in what is going on in an off year election, but this year the stakes could not be higher for my generation to turnout and vote.  Most of the intention of the general American electorate is mostly focused on the presidential election which I expect the election next year will get more attention than any other election, but what voters fail to realize is local elections matter the most because the decisions that are made by our local government will impact all of us directly.  Tommy is definitely the most qualified to take this role.  His priorities towards our youth and making sure young people across Dutchess County have the opportunity to work here at home and his commitment to fighting for more green jobs is what really makes him stand out in this race.  When I first met Tommy earlier this year, one of the first group of people he greeted was me and a few other interns.  He thanked us for being at the event and was generally so happy to see young people like me trying to make a change in our community.  Tommy is a well loved professor at Marist College and truly enjoys teaching and inspiring the next generation of leaders.  This is why I am supporting Tommy Zurhellen for Dutchess County Executive and why other young people should too. The stakes could not be higher.

Philip Ouma
Pleasant Valley

Read the full article here


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