Letter to the Editor: Pro-gas Op-Ed missing full disclosure

Dear Editor,
In the age of disinformation, and amid a rapidly worsening fossil-fueled climate crisis, it is critical to quash fossil-fuel propaganda like the one published by theย well-documented fracked gas astroturfing front groupย New Yorkers for Affordable Energy in the Aug. 6 Op-Ed, โ€œNew York can achieve climate goals and still ensure affordable and reliable energy.
First, this group is sponsored by the American Petroleum Institute, fracked gas companies like Williams and Danskammer, gas utilities like our beloved Central Hudson, and other ragtag special interests.ย  Who associates Central Hudson with affordable and reliable energy.
Ironically, this Op-Ed fearmongering about the popular, common-sense climate and energy affordability bill, the NY HEAT Act, appeared just days after Central Hudson proposed a 19% or $30/month gas rate hike, in large part because we donโ€™t have this bill in place to tame these price hikes.ย  New Yorkers for Affordable Energy is a 501(c)6 organization and by definition, formed to serve its members like Central Hudson, not the public.ย  The groupโ€™s own tax filings show that the organizationโ€™s mission is expansion of natural gas.
โ€œNaturalโ€ gas is a marketing term used by the fossil-fuel industry for fracked methane that leaks everywhere fromย drillingย toย distributionย to domesticย appliances.ย  It is 83 times more powerful in heating up our atmosphere than carbon dioxide.ย  New Yorkโ€™s climate scoping plan calls for a gradual transition to economical non-polluting alternatives like heat pumps over the next 25 years to meet the goals of the stateโ€™s climate law.ย  However, the gas industry and its front groups believe that they are above the law and would go to any lengths to profit from hurting our climate and pocket books.
Anshul Gupta
Kingston, NY

Anshul Gupta is a senior policy analyst with New Yorkers for Clean Power, a Kingston-based statewide campaign to rapidly shift to a clean energy economy.

Read the full article here


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