Dear Editor:
As Veterans, we know what it means to serve. It’s about putting our country, and our community, ahead of ourselves. It’s about integrity, leadership, and a genuine drive to leave a place better than we found it. It’s not often that we come across an elected official who shares these values and that same commitment to service. That’s why on November 7th, I’ll be supporting Sue Serino for Dutchess County Executive, and we hope you will too.
Since taking office, Sue has made it her mission to listen to local veterans, partner with our Veteran community and tackle the issues that matter most to us. As a result, Sue has delivered results:
Bringing the Joseph P. Dwyer Veterans Peer Support Program (Vet2Vet) to Dutchess County, helping to preserve it in surrounding counties, successfully fighting against proposed cuts to keep it funded year after year, and successfully advocating for it to be expanded statewide;
Enacting the Veterans Buyback Bill to allow all honorably discharged vets to purchase three years of public pension benefits; and
Elevate the Division of Veterans’ Services to an Executive Department to bolster accessibility, as well as coordination and outreach efforts to Veterans and their families.
While Sue has always been a strong, independent voice fighting for us and when it comes to assisting vets here in our community, Sue is always there. This year’s election could not be more important, and every single vote will play a critical role in shaping the future of our community.
Victoria M. Newman
Veteran, United States Navy
Read the full article here
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