Dear Editor,
Everyone is hurt by the housing crisis.
For homebuyers, limited supply is pushing up prices. For others, rightsizing for future changes like starting a family or aging is more challenging than ever. Our schools are underfunded because of developer tax breaks; tenants face sky-high rents and a city-declared emergency. No one can budget themselves out of poverty.
These problems are caused by politicians prioritizing developers and landlords over residents. Homeowners and renters are pitted against each other as politicians provide developers and corporate landlords with tax cuts.
When a corporation purchased Charlotte Lloyd’s home to jack-up rent and displace fellow Kingstonians, she organized with her neighbors to fight for their future.
When her alderwoman broke her promise to stand with the Stony Run Tenants Union, they chose Charlotte to run for City Council to champion renters’ concerns.
Charlotte, 25 years old and working multiple jobs, lives her life believing that everyone should have their basic needs met. To do so, she put her faith in her neighbors and peers who organized together. She knows a better world is possible when we unite to build that world.
As a tenant in Ward 1 and a young aspirational homeowner, I want to feel represented. I have been working minimum wage jobs since I was 14 years old, and I am still nowhere close to becoming a homeowner as I approach 30 years old.
We need an alderwoman who will stand with the people. We need Charlotte Lloyd for Ward 1.
Shay Kessler
Read the full article here
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