MONTGOMERY- The completion of the solar array on the rooftop of the Medline building in Montgomery officially makes the warehouse home to the state’s largest rooftop solar project.
According to company officials, the 7.2-megawatt solar array is helping to reduce energy costs for both the company and residents in the Mid-Hudson region.
The community solar project, comprised of more than 17,000 panels, was completed in May and generates 8.5 million kilowatt-hours of power annually, said Jim Burgess, Medline director of sustainability.
“That’s enough to power about 1,600 homes. It’s also enough to take off about 1,200 internal combustion engine cars off the roads each year,” he said.
The project cost over $8 million and was built with nearly $5 million in private investment from the developer, PowerFlex, and over $3 million in project support through the NY-Sun program, the state’s initiative to advance the scale-up of solar.
“New York continues to be an example to other states with our aggressive development of renewable energy, and our commitment to clean, affordable solar is key to us successfully building a zero-emission electricity grid,” Governor Hochul said. “The completion of this project marks another major milestone in the Empire State and reflects a successful trend of private investment in community-centered projects that are now at the heart of our clean energy transition.”
The Medline solar project helps to advance New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act goal to install six gigawatts of distributed solar by 2025 and accelerates progress toward 10 gigawatts by 2030.
Read the full article here
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