Mid-Hudson Civic Center submits proposal to run drive-in theater

HYDE PARK – The Mid-Hudson Civic Center Inc., the not-for-profit that operates the MJN Convention Center, McCann Ice Arena in the City of Poughkeepsie, and Ice-Time Sports in the Town of Newburgh, has submitted a proposal to operate the Hyde Park Drive-In Theater.  Moments before the November 3 deadline passed, the organization submitted a proposal to the National Park Service to operate the vacant drive-in on Route 9, across from the FDR Presidential Library.

The outdoor movie complex is situated on federal property.

The National Park Service, under the Department of the Interior, had previously sought proposals that were due back in April.  After listening to public comment, a new request for proposals (RFP) was released in August.

The revised RFP required that the facility be re-opened and operated as a drive-in, as it had been from 1950 until early 2023.  The previous operator was unable to renew the lease with the National Park Service (NPS).  The theater did not operate during the 2023 outdoor movie season.

The new RFP sought proposals for the lease, operation, and maintenance of the nine-acre parcel that has an existing movie screen.  The new lessee will also be responsible for the 2,300-square-foot building that contains restrooms, concession area, storage, and administration space.

The new operator will be required to install a projector and sound system.

The entity that gets approval will then negotiate the rent with the NPS.  The federal government requires a minimum of “fair market value” for rent.  It has been announced that the minimum FMV is $4,000 per month when the theater is in operation, with the greater of three percent or Consumer Price Index per annum increases.  The maximum length of the lease is set at 20 years.

Mid-Hudson Civic Center President Zeidan Nesheiwat said their submission fits both their business model and mission statement.  “The Mid-Hudson Civic Center Inc. is a not-for-profit community organization…

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