NEWBURGH – The City of Newburgh is applying for a 10th round of GIVE money from the state Division of Criminal Justice Services.
GIVE stands for Gun Involved Violence Elimination and the city hopes to secure $837.964 to fight the scourge of gun violence.
Councilman Omari Shakur said while that program is needed, the city must take other approaches as well.
“We’re going back to arresting our way out of this, or whatever, that’s what it seems like. They can keep getting grants, the police department, but why aren’t we getting grants to get kids jobs. Why don’t we get grants to help people with housing. Why don’t we get those grants and then maybe the frustration would go down and we wouldn’t have so much violence,” he said.
Newburgh, like other cities, does receive housing and jobs grants and the GIVE grant is just one piece of a comprehensive plan to curb violence and improve economic conditions.
Read the full article here
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