ALBANY – The majority on the Newburgh School Board has lost the first part of their effort to have President Darren Stridiron thrown off the panel.
In addition to filing charges with the State Education commissioner seeking Stridiron’s removal, the board majority sought to have him removed immediately pending adjudication of the case.
In a letter to school district attorney David Shaw, who is also the attorney representing the district in its attempt to fire teacher Richard Desiderio, Joshua Dingman, appeals coordinator for the State Ed Department, wrote, “On behalf of the commissioner, this is to advise you that no stay order will be issued,” meaning Stridiron can still remain on the board and serve as its president.
Stridiron called the charges against him “bogus” and is confident the commissioner will toss the entire school board case.
“There is other stuff that other board members have done that is way worse than anything I have done fighting for transparency,” he said. And the interesting part about this whole situation is that the people that voted to try to remove me from the board are the same people that voted to release confidential information to the public and putting the district in jeopardy of litigation.”
One of the charges the school board majority has advanced as a reason to remove Stridiron is that he had the school superintendent move one chair over from where she had been seated during board meetings.
Read the full article here
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