HUGUENOT – Clean up is about to begin to address contaminated soils related to former operations at the former C&D Power Systems property between Roue 209 and a tributary of the Neversink River in the hamlet of Huguenot in the Town of Deerpark, the State Department of Environmental Conservation announced.
The estimated cost to remediate the property is $9.4 million and the work is expected to take 12 months.
The former manufacturing facility is currently inactive, is zoned for commercial use and fenced in.
It includes a large, unoccupied industrial building and a 175-foot diameter wastewater treatment lagoon.
The site drops off rapidly toward a tributary stream bed and adjacent wetlands near a railroad trestle.
Groundwater is approximately 30 feet deep flowing toward the tributary.
The primary contaminants of concern are PCBs and metals – lead and cadmium.
Contaminants are in site-wide shallow soils, lagoon soils and shallow tributary sediments.
Remediation work includes excavation of lagoons, stabilizing and containing on-site soils exceeding a commercial use standards, restoration of tributary and adjacent wetland areas to unrestricted use, and installation of an engineered cover system to support commercial use of the site.
Read the full article here
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