Remedy proposed for Newburgh brownfield site contamination

NEWBURGH – A proposed environmental plan for the more than 15-acre brownfield site called “5 Scobie Drive” in the City of Newburgh has been proposed.

The vacant land abounded by the Newburgh City DPW property, a tributary of Gidneytown Creek and a commercial facility, operated as an unpermitted landfill from the late 1940s until around 1976 and has not been closed in accordance with the State Department of Environmental Conservation solid waste regulations.

According to the DEC, it reportedly accepted municipal and possibly industrial and incinerator waste.

The site, which is anticipated to be redeveloped for commercial purposes, contains semi-volatile organic compounds and metals in soils, subsurface soils and groundwater, and PFAS from adjacent upgradient properties, the DEC said.

The remediation plan includes removing contaminated soils, installing an active sub-slab depressurization system for all future buildings, and placing a cover system to address contamination remaining above restricted commercial use soil cleanup objectives.

The DEC is seeking public input on the remediation plan through December 9.

Read the full article here


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