Short-term rental registrations and compliance moving forward in Kingston

KINGSTON – As of August 2023, renting or advertising a property for rent on a short-term basis without a license is in violation of the City of Kingston’s zoning code.

Per the new form-based zoning code, short-term rental operators must register with the city’s building department, and the number of full short-term rental permits is capped at 106.

The number of allowable full short-term rentals equals one percent of Kingston’s total housing units. Full-time short-term rental permits are only allowed in T5 or T4 zoning transects and only one short-term rental is allowed per property. No short-term rental permits will be issued for any accessory dwelling unit.

To date, the short-term rental registrations include:

Full: 87

Resident-occupied: 10

Limited (less than 30 days per year): 8


The registry can be found here:  Short-Term_Rentals_City_Kingston_December_2023.xlsx


Though registration is required, there is no cap on limited short-term rentals (less than 30 days a year) or resident-occupied short-term rentals. Kingston is currently in the process of taking legal action against approximately 20 unregistered short-term rental operators.

Registration fees are as follows: Full-time $650; Limited $125; and Resident-occupied $125. Unlicensed STRs will be subject to enforcement and significant fines. The current violation fees, per day rented or per day advertised, are $1,000 for the first instance, $5,000 for the second instance, and $7,500 for a third or subsequent instance.

Once the full-time cap of 106 units has been reached, registration will be closed. The City of Kingston short-term rental registration portal is available at

            A fact sheet with frequently asked questions can be found here. Additional questions can be directed to the City of Kingston’s Office of Housing Initiatives at 845-334-3928 or the Building Safety Dept. at 845-331-1217.

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