Stewart launches service to Faroe Islands

STEWART AIRPORT – The first-ever non-stop flight from the Faroe Islands to the United States arrived Tuesday evening at New York Stewart International Airport.

It was Atlantic Airways’ inaugural flight between the remote islands in the north Atlantic and New York. 

Airline CEO Johanna Bergi said they had planned on providing the service years ago, before the pandemic.

“We were planning to do it before COVID then COVID came,” she said. Now, it took time to get all of the licenses in place. “We will use it as an experience,” she said, expecting they will resume flights next spring.

Weekly service will be conducted from Tuesday to September 20. 

Stewart has struggled to keep airlines offering service, but state Assemblyman Jonathan Jacobson is hopeful Atlantic will serve the region well.

“I hope that it works out,” said Jacobson. “I hope the airline puts in enough marketing. I hope the Port Authority works with them to make sure that people know about this. If people know about it, I think it will be successful.”

Read the full article here


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