Suicidal man removed from Walkway after spending night on the span

POUGHKEEPSIE – An emotionally disturbed man who was stopped from committing suicide by jumping from the Walkway Over the Hudson in July was stopped again on Wednesday.  Poughkeepsie city police and firefighters responded to the Walkway on Tuesday night at approximately 8 p.m. for a man threatening suicide.  Emergency personnel stayed with the subject throughout the night because he refused to surrender.  The incident continued for much of Wednesday.

The Walkway was closed down while first responders attempted to negotiate with the man, who was located on the Walkway, immediately west of Washington Street.  It is the same location, above the businesses on Washington Street that the man was rescued from during his last attempt.  The same person previously stopped rush hour traffic on the Mid-Hudson Bridge in June, when he threatened to jump to his death and was thwarted by City of Poughkeepsie Police.

According to Police Captain Rich Wilson, negotiators spent all night Tuesday and much of the day on Wednesday negotiating with the man who was threatening to jump approximately 30 feet to the ground below.  “Our trained negotiators used several different techniques which finally resulted in the subject surrendering, but he was combative and needed to be restrained.”He surrendered to police just before 2 p.m. on Wednesday, August 16, Wilson said.

The man was transported to a local hospital for evaluation and possible treatment.

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