Sullivan County launches food scrap recycling

MONTICELLO – Sullivan County will be launching a food scrap recycling pilot program in one month.

The idea is to divert food scraps away from landfills where their decomposition creates methane, and instead compost them.

Food scraps are one of the largest components of trash sent to landfills and incinerators, said County Legislature Chairman Rob Doherty.

“Seventeen million dollars a year getting rid of our garbage. We can reduce that by 40 percent,” he said.

The pilot program offers 400 “starter kits” for residents, although they are not required.

The bins will then be brought to the county transfer station and then brought to the Ulster County Resource Recovery Center, which has a commercial composting facility, where they will be turned into usable compost.

If the Sullivan pilot program, is successful, then commercial operations will be considered, Doherty said.

Read the full article here


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