FISHKILL – The confidential secretary to the town supervisor has resigned for the second time in a year. Greg Totino resigned as the confidential secretary to Town Supervisor Ozzy Albra on October 12.
Totino resigned once before, in September 2022, and returned to work in the supervisor’s office following the resignation of his replacement, Mike Natrella. Replacement Natrella resigned from the town on January 30, 2023, after five months on the job, alleging that Town Supervisor Albra created a hostile work environment while being “abusive and demeaning”.
Totino returned to Fishkill in February 2023, filling the void created by Natrella’s resignation.
Since returning, Totino has become the chairman of the town’s Democratic Committee. He is also running as a Democrat for the town board in November.
Earlier this month Totino took a job with New York State Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, working out of the Senate Majority Leader’s office in Yonkers.
If elected, Totino would be forced to resign from his secretarial position. In all likelihood, if Albra loses his reelection bid against Republican John Forman, Totino would be terminated from the secretary position by Forman.
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