KINGSTON – The Ulster County Comptroller’s Office has launched a new initiative called The Ulster County Public Pay Dashboard.
The Public Pay Dashboard data includes county employees’ 2022 base pay, overtime pay, and other miscellaneous pay types. The data can be viewed by employee, by title, or by department.
“We are excited to provide this new level of transparency. County employees are public employees and their salaries and pay data are public information. Previously that information would only be available through the Freedom of Information Law process,” said County Comptroller March Gallagher. “Many employees receive more than the budgeted pay for their position each year because of additional benefits or responsibilities. This new tool will allow the public and elected officials to easily see where taxpayer dollars are going.”
The department with the highest payroll in the county is the sheriff’s office with $23.2 million or 25 percent of the county’s total 2022 payroll.
County employee salaries are set through a variety of mechanisms including union contracts, civil service, and the county annual budget process.
Staffing decisions may not always be made at the County level. For example, while the Sheriff’s Office represents the largest payroll of the County, the number of staffed positions for the Ulster County Law Enforcement Center is set by the New York State Commission on Corrections. In order to meet the mandated staffing, corrections officers must often work mandatory shifts and overtime.
The Public Pay Dashboard can be reached through the Ulster County Comptroller’s website and will be updated annually.
Read the full article here
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