41 is median age of Montgomery County residents by 2021

USCB Chief Scientist and Associate Director for Research and Methodology Dr. Sallie A. Keller | United States Census Bureau

USCB Chief Scientist and Associate Director for Research and Methodology Dr. Sallie A. Keller | United States Census Bureau

Montgomery County residents have a median age of 41-years-old as of 2021, according to US Census Data.

Median ages divide a population into two equally sized groups, rather than the average which takes all the ages of Montgomery County residents and divides it by the number of residents.

OurWorldinData.org, an online project tracking global data and trends, says cities, states, countries and continents with higher median ages typically do better economically and residents earn higher wages than developing countries.

The median age of a United States resident has risen from 29.5-years-old in 1960 to 38.4-years-old in 2019. It has risen fairly consistently by two years every decade since the 1970’s.

Median ages of men and women by Ethnicity in Montgomery County

Ethnicity Median Age – Male Median Age – Female
American Indian and Alaska Native 37 46
Asian 33 47
Black or African American 31 30
Hispanic or Latino 25 27
White 43 45
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
Some other race 23 28
Multiracial 19 27

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