Eight fewer lawyers with active licenses to practice in Otsego County in July than previous month

There were eight fewer active legal licenses in Otsego County in July compared to the previous month, according to the NYS Attorney Registrations.

There were 12 active legal licenses in Otsego County in July, compared to 20 the month before.

Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this time period.

New York State has the most lawyers of any US state, yet it is also home to legal deserts. Orleans County, with a population of 40,000 residents, has less than one lawyer per every 1,000 residents.

Nearly 75 percent of rural New York State attorneys are 45-years-old or older, which was one of the most concerning findings from a report on rural law practice. The report predicted that most rural lawyers in New York State will retire within 30 years and not be replaced by younger attorneys.

The average salary for an attorney working in New York State is $109,218 per year.

Lawyers in Otsego County with active legal licenses in July

Lawyer Name Name of Firm Year of License Granted
Mark Nevill Oursler Attorney Otsego County, Surrogate & Family Court 1989
David Kendall Taylor Legal Aid Society of Mid New York, Inc. 1990
Kara Harmon Kara Tobias Harmon ESQ. 1991
Jill Ann Poulson Select or Enter 2003
Ryan Frederick Coutlee Coutlee Law Health & Elder Law Planning 2003
Dennis Brian Laughlin Donovan Laughlin and Laughlin, LLC 2005
Patricia Lynne Canner Law Offices of Walter L. Terry, III 2007
Denise Jean Burnell Hollis Otsego County Attorney’s Office 2011
Lauren Cady Glynn Schlather & Birch 2011
Joseph Robert Membrino 2013
Catherine Mildred Hannan Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York, Inc. 2015
Lesley Marilyn Harlem 2021

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