New York Commissioner of Education Dr. Betty A. Rosa |
New York Commissioner of Education Dr. Betty A. Rosa |
Data also showed that most of the students were white, representing 87.7% of the Gregory B. Jarvis Middle School’s total enrollment.
Among the 23 schools in Herkimer County, Central Valley Academy ranked second in enrollment numbers with 624 students, while Herkimer High School welcomed 579 students and came in third in the 2022-23 school year.
Gregory B. Jarvis Middle School is part of Central Valley CSD at Ilion-Mohawk, which roughly covers three schools within Herkimer County and has a main office in Little Falls.
In the previous school year, Gregory B. Jarvis Middle School also had the highest number of students among Herkimer County schools.
In 2022, New York had roughly one teacher for every 12 students, which is lower than the national average of one teacher for every 16 students. A lower student-to-teacher ratio has been found to improve students’ school performance.
Enrollment in Gregory B. Jarvis Middle School Over 4 Years
Enrollment in Herkimer County Schools During 2022-23 School Year
School name | City | Total School Enrollment |
Gregory B. Jarvis Middle School | Mohawk | 628 |
Central Valley Academy | Ilion | 624 |
Herkimer High School | Herkimer | 579 |
Herkimer Elementary School | Herkimer | 517 |
Benton Hall Academy | Little Falls | 479 |
Barringer Road Elementary School | Ilion | 450 |
Mount Markham Elementary School | West Winfield | 449 |
Dolgeville Elementary School | Dolgeville | 425 |
Harry M…. |
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