Richard C. Lewis, President of the New York State Bar Association | Oficial Website
Richard C. Lewis, President of the New York State Bar Association | Oficial Website
Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this period.
Although New York State has 6% of the nation’s population, the state has 16% of America’s legal aid lawyers. That means 1 out of every 6 legal aid lawyers is working in New York.
As of March 2024, the average salary for an attorney working in New York State was $108,458 per year.
Lawyers in Otsego County with active legal licenses in Q3
Lawyer Name | Name of Firm | Year License was Granted |
Giovanni Felix Scarimbolo | – | 2023 |
Lesley Marilyn Harlem | – | 2021 |
Sarah Elisabet Stanislawa Schmer | – | 2020 |
Jacob Michael Sackett | Hinman, Howard & Kattell, LLP | 2019 |
Christine Smith Corrigan | – | 2018 |
Lara Sofia Romero | – | 2018 |
Alicia Christine Rohan | – | 2017 |
Catherine Mildred Hannan | – | 2015 |
Christopher James Di Donna | – | 2015 |
Steven James Talevi | – | 2014 |
Tegan Green | – | 2014 |
Joseph Robert Membrino | – | 2013 |
Susan Marie Lettis | – | 2013 |
Barbara Jean Durkin | SUNY Oneonta | 2012 |
Meredith Leigh Baio | Hinman, Howard & Kattell, LLP | 2012 |
Bradley John Moses | Otsego County District Attorney | 2011 |
Denise Jean Burnell Hollis | Otsego County Attorney’s Office | 2011 |
Lauren Cady Glynn | – | 2011 |
Sarah Elizabeth Cowen | Otsego County Court | 2011 |
Brett Charles Cowen | – | 2010 |
Willard Jacob Pinney Sawma | – | 2010 |
Andrew Davis Stammel | Law Office of Andrew D. Stammel | 2009 |
Jonathan Lloyd Becker | Attorney Jonathan Becker | 2009 |
Brenton Patrick Dadey | Scarzafava Basdekis and Dadey, PLLC | 2008 |
Patricia Lynne Canner | – | 2007 |
Eric Vincent Jervis | Harlem & Jervis Law Office | 2006 |
Nathaniel Patrick Getman | Otsego County Supreme Court | 2004 |
Stephen John Mescall | – | 2004 |
Anastasios Paul… |
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