Becky Harblin presented Arts Recognition Award by SLC Arts

POTSDAM – Renowned local artist Becky Harblin is this year’s recipient of the Arts Recognition Award presented by SLC Arts.

This award is presented each year to a North Country artist with appreciation for dedicated service to the arts in St. Lawrence County.

A trained painter, Becky majored in art and did coursework at San Diego State University. Much of her painting now, after a career at The New Yorker magazine, and several newspapers, is working in pastels. Over the last twenty years, Becky has begun to incorporate her studies in Amazonian Healing (shamanism) into all her work beyond painting, including poetry, sculpture, and photography. The bulk of her painting is done plein air. She enjoys the direct contact with her subjects and the often-explicit interpretation of light in a landscape.

Harblin, along with the 2023 Statewide Community Regrants Recipients, will be honored at the Regional Arts Celebration on Friday, Sept. 1 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Dobisky Visitors’ Center in Ogdensburg.

This celebration is part of the SLC Arts 3rd Annual North Country Arts Festival, and is free and open to the community. Celebratory refreshments will be provided, and background music will be presented by Mark Lyon.

RSVPs are preferred but not required.

For more information about our regrant program, please visit or email Alicia Murphy, Grants and Services Manager, at [email protected].

The Dobisky Visitors’ Center is located at 100 Riverside Ave, Ogdensburg.


Read the full article here


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