Equestrian Sport Training Center 4H Equine Club members clean up Pierrepont Veterans’ Memorial bricks

From left are Thomas Latimer, president; Mila Matejcik; John Mahoney-Ruiz, 4H Leader; Terry Reilley, Andy Sior, Sonja Mitchell, Kadence Murray.

WINTHROP โ€” Equestrian Sport Training Center 4H Equine Club members completed a community service project by removing flaked paint and repainting names on bricks at the Town of Pierrepont Veterans’ Memorial.

Also volunteering for the project was Equestrian Sport Training Center stable-hand Andy Sior.

The project brought out discussions of who had family members who are veterans and what branch they served in.

Thomas Latimer, president of the Town of Pierrepont Veterans’ Memorial, spoke with 4H members about the bricks representing veterans who lived in the township in wars dating back to the Civil War. They also talked about d what the letters on bricks meant such as; KIA, POW, and MIA.

Some 4H club members reportedly said they were going to join the service when they grew up.


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