Michael Sacks named Outstanding New Teacher at Clarkson University

POTSDAM — Clarkson University Assistant Professor of Economics & Financial Studies Michael Sacks has received the Outstanding New Teacher Award for 2023.

Established by the University Committee on Improvement in Teaching in 1991, the award recognizes an outstanding teacher within his or her first four years at the university. Criteria for selection include excellence in the classroom, capacity to motivate and challenge students and creativity in teaching methods and curriculum development.

In his nomination letter, Bebonchu Atems, Professor of Economics & Financial Studies and Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs and Research in the David D. Reh School of Business said, โ€œ…he has quickly become an outstanding educator and leader, holding students to high expectations while providing them individualized consideration and helping them meet their academic goals.โ€

Sandra Zuhlsdorf, Director of Student Support Services for the Reh School of Business said in her nomination letter that, โ€œMichael is one of our top faculty educators in the Reh School and he is beloved by his students. I frequently hear from his students that he is a tough but fair professor as he challenges them to be better thinkers and to expand their skills.โ€

Sacks, who joined the University in 2020, says his research falls under the umbrellas of game theory, social dynamics, the economics of culture and religion, and industrial organization. He is particularly interested in studying the social dynamics and corresponding political economy of collective action problems such as the provision of public and club goods. He also has related interests in studying networks and network goods where both the number and diversity of users affects the constituents’ valuations.

Sacks holds an M.A. in mathematical behavioral sciences from the Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences at the University of California, Irvine and a Ph.D. in economics from the University of California, Irvine.

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