Above, Mayor Mike Dalton reads the proclamation in front of the Canton Town Hall with Canton Village Trustee Klaus Proemm on left, Dalton and Canton Village Tree Committee Chair Lance W. Rudiger on right.
CANTON — Arbor Day was celebrated once again this year in Canton. The village has shown strong support of tree plantings in the past.
A Canton Village Tree Committee was formed in the early 2000’s and has planted, hundreds of new trees in the village.
The support continues from the village which is celebrating Arbor Day by planting an autumn blaze maple on State Street in front of Canton Central School (the tree to be planted by the CCS Environmental Club) to replace a memorial tree planted in honor of Peter Van der Water who, with Canton Rotary, planted over 50 trees.
Also as an Arbor Day celebration , the Canton Village is planting two flowering crabapple trees along Powers Street next to the Catholic School there(to be planted by the Knights of Columbus).
Watch for the dates for these planting celebrations. The tree committee reminds villagers to water newly planted trees and help pedestrians by pruning tree branches which restricts sidewalk passage.
Villagers keep an eye out for Canton Village Tree Planting initiatives in the future.
“The Canton Village Tree committee thanks the Mayor and village government and especially the Canton population for their support,” a press release said.
Read the full article here
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