United Helpers celebrating 25 years of service to St. Lawrence County

This postcard, which depicts the United Helpers Children’s Home on State Street, where the Edgar A. Newell II Memorial Golden Dome stands today, shows what the home would have looked like prior to the construction of a three-story expansion that was built in 1925. The postcard actually contains a message written on the back addressed to simply “Miss Elizabeth Clements, Canton, N.Y.,” with no zip code. The card is postmarked Sept. 17, 1908 and contains one cent in postage.


OGDENSBURG – On May 4, 1898 Alzina Milligan climbed into her buggy and rode to Potsdam to pick up a young boy in need of care. Each day since then, for 125 years, in some way, shape or form, United Helpers has been caring for our friends and neighbors across the North Country.

The original United Helpers Home sat at 22 Congress Street in Ogdensburg, but it wouldn’t be long before the organization outgrew that space and opened a larger facility on State Street, where the Edgar A. Newell II Memorial Golden Dome stands today.

As is the case with any business or organization that has been around for 125 years, United Helpers has had to adapt and change many times to meet the changing needs of the community over the years.

Recognizing that there was a need for care in the community for orphaned children, a group of 10 women each contributed $100 (roughly $3,634 in today’s currency) to form the Society of United Helpers and open the original children’s home.

Just one year later, the group realized the need for a larger home and on Jan. 1, 1901 the new United Helpers Home on State Street was opened. That home remained open until 1972, although the number of services offered there would change several times over the years.

Nursery opens in 1904

In 1904, a nursery for babies opened, and in 1910 the first elderly woman was admitted to the home. It wouldn’t be until 1955 that the home would care for its first elderly man.

The home continued to thrive and in 1925 the…

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