Florida diver recused 6 miles out; fishermen thought he was a bird

Two off-duty cops rescued a diver while boating 6 miles out from the Florida Keys during the Fourth of July holiday week.

According to a recent Facebook post by the Marion County Sheriff’s Department, Lt. David Woolf and Lt. Eric Thoresen saw something flailing in the water approximately a quarter of a mile away. They assumed it was an injured bird and headed in that direction to investigate.

As they drew closer, they realized the bird was actually a man in distress who had been separated from his boat by the current. Upon rescuing the diver, whose identity has yet to be released, they contacted the U.S. Coast Guard who had recently received a call about the lost diver.

The Coast Guard provided the coordinates of the boat, which was two miles away from where the man was found.

“Call it luck, call it being vigilant even on their days off, call it whatever you want. We may just call it a miracle,” the Facebook post states. “We are happy to report that the diver was safely returned in good health and the Lieutenants were able to land a few fish by the end of the day too!”

Read the full article here


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