Over 200 dogs gather for man’s 100th birthday celebrations in San Jose

When Robert Moore’s family started planning his 100th birthday party, they wanted to make sure it was special.

There was going to be a big family dinner, of course, but since a lot of Moore’s friends are no longer alive, his daughter, Alison, thought including man’s best friend – dogs – in the celebration would be a good idea.

“My father loves dogs. He just loves them all,โ€ said Alison speaking to USA Today.

A few days before the party, Alison shared a post on Facebook and Nextdoor explaining her idea and asking friends, neighbors and members of her community in San Jose, California, to drop by for a parade with their dogs on June 17.

Robert Moore pets a dog at his 100th birthday party

Though her post was widely shared, Alison had little expectation and was prepared for only a handful of people to show up. However, hundreds of dogs and their owners lined up on the streets outside their house waiting patiently to be petted by the birthday boy.

What was even more exciting was that the furry creatures arrived in all sorts of costumes, from tuxedos to cowboy hats and bumble bee costumes. There were pups riding in classic cars, as well as dogs with disabilities pulling carts.

Pup arrives in vintage car for Robert Moore's 100th birthday party

“It was all so amazing,” said Alison. “I thought only a few would show up and theyโ€™d just walk in front of the house and be done. But the response was so overwhelming. People not only brought their dogs but families also came with their little ones who wished my father.”

Many of the surprise guests also brought gifts for Moore, including flowers, cupcakes, handmade drawings and posters.

“My sister and brother-in-law picked him up from his assisted living center and told him about the surprise party,” Alison said. “He was shocked but at the same time, he was so excited for it. By the end of the event, he was so overwhelmed [with the response].”

“He pet every single dog that came through. It was so lovely,โ€ said Alison.

Denise O'Brien with her father Rodger O'Brien Sr.

Denise O’Brien, who brought her father to the celebration, told USA Today that her father couldn’t stop “talking about that wonderful…

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