The top city people are moving to in the US? It’s probably in Florida

Tampa is the third-most popular city among homebuyers who are relocating nationwide, according to a new report by real estate listing company Redfin. Florida cities dominate the top ten, with five cities from the Sunshine State making the cut.

Redfin tracked more than 2 million people searching for new homes between April 2023 and June 2023. Those who looked at more than 10 homes, including one outside their city, were considered homebuyers who could relocate. The cities they searched in counted proportionally to the number of times they searched.

Homebuyers are still moving in record proportions, with more than 25% of Redfin users looking to move to a different city compared to approximately 15% five years ago.

On the list of most popular cities for net newcomers, (the number of people looking to come minus the number of people looking to leave), Las Vegas and Phoenix have the top two spots. But all top ten cities are located in places with warm climates, and Florida is a top contender.

Florida’s population boom in recent years has made it the fastest growing state for the first time since 1957, according to the U.S. Census. On Redfin’s list, Orlando was ranked No. 4 after Tampa, with North Port-Sarasota, Cape Coral and Miami also making the top ten.

Cost seems to be the biggest motivator for those looking to relocate, as nine out of the 10 cities have a lower median sale prices than the buyers’ most common origin location.

Despite all cities in the top 10 being at high risk for extreme weather and natural disasters, a survey of Redfin users showed that just 4% of people who moved last year did so to leave behind areas impacted by climate change.

Here is what to know about Florida’s top most popular cities to move to:

Tampa is the third most popular city for moving homebuyers

  • Most people move to Tampa from New York City, followed by Chicago and Washington.
  • 30% of homebuyers within Tampa looked for houses outside of the city, but 70% looked to stay within the metropolitan…

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