Waverly’s Joey Tomasso a two-sport first-team all-state selection

Joey Tomasso has been recognized as first-team all-state for a second consecutive sports season in his junior year at Waverly High.

He is one of four first-team selections from Section 4 on New York State Sports Writers Association all-state boys basketball teams, revealed Wednesday. As a football quarterback, he gained top billing in Class C during the fall season. The basketball nod comes in Class B.

Likewise identified as first-teamers: Delhi senior Luke Schnabel in Class C; Marathon senior Conor Holland and South Kortright/Andes junior Connor Quarino in Class D.

All-state selections in Classes AA and A are to be revealed next week.

Tomasso averaged a program-record 30.9 points per game as a junior, to go with 4.6 rebounds and 2.7 steals. MVP of the IACโ€™s South Large School Division, he has 1,381 varsity points, No. 2 on Waverlyโ€™s all-time list. For the 2022-23 season, he converted 51.8 percent of his field goal attempts.

Schnabel, a 55% shooter from the field, contributed 25.4 points, 4.7 steals and 3 assists per game for a Delhi squad that achieved a No. 1 state ranking before its season concluded in the quarterfinal round of Section 4 playoffs. The team that defeated the Bulldogs, Tioga Central, was headed by second-team all-stater Evan Sickler, a 22.5-per-game scorer as a junior.

Luke Schnabel, Delhi basketball
Conor Holland

Marathonโ€™s Holland, a second-team pick last season, came back with a 27-points-per-game curtain call.

Quarino secured first-team billing for a second consecutive season, scoring 26.8 per game for a team that reached the quarterfinal round of Class D state playoffs.

Class B

Player of the Year: Phillip Lawrence, Poly-Prep-AIS Sr., 6-3, 20.8 points per game.

First team: Jaylon O’Neal, Central Valley-3 Sr., 6-1, 20.4; Joey Tomasso, Waverly-4 Jr., 6-1, 30.9; Jalen Duff, Lewiston-Porter-6 Sr., 5-10, 27.8; Derek Reed, Southampton-11 Sr., 5-11, 22.2; Raphael Tawil, Scholars Academy-PSAL Sr., 6-6, 26.4.

Section 4 Selections

Fifth team: John Bangel, Owego-4 Sr., 6-7, 15.1. 12th team: Trevor Warpus,…

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