Buffalo Common Council to hold public meetings on mayor’s proposed budget

The Buffalo Common Council will hold budget hearings and workshops and a public hearing on Mayor Byron W. Brown’s 2023-24 city budget proposal.

Brown’s recommended spending plan for Buffalo is $582 million, up 2.69% from last year’s $566 million plan. Brown is calling for a 3.8% increase on residential and commercial property taxes and higher fees for sanitation services.

The Council’s budget hearings will start at 10 a.m. Thursday in Council Chambers, on the 13th floor of City Hall. Department heads and commissioners will present their budget requests.

Budget workshops for Council members to ask specific questions and request information from the administration are scheduled for May 15 starting at 10 a.m. in the Council’s Conference Room 1417.

A public hearing is scheduled for 5 p.m. May 16 in Council Chambers.

All of the meetings are open to the public.

Constituents can also submit their comments on the budget by filling out the Council Budget Survey: https://forms.gle/yLFUtKWE7GKD93Tm6

For more information on the budget hearings, workshops and public hearings, call Council staff at 716-851-5105, or send an email to [email protected].

The budget schedule, the Citizen’s Guide to Understanding the City Budget and other resources can be found at https://www.buffalony.gov/1498/Budget-Resources.

Read the full article here


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