Conservative student group drops part of lawsuit, still suing UB

After being sued by a conservative student group, the University at Buffalo’s Student Association recently agreed to revoke a policy to prohibit student groups from being affiliated with national organizations.

“… Values of diversity, equity, inclusion and respect keep us grounded. They guide our every action,” Satish K. Tripathi said.  

The group, Young Americans for Freedom, had sought a federal injunction to block the policy, but it withdrew that request July 7 after student government voted to revoke the policy.

But the lawsuit itself will proceed because SA and UB still have policies that infringe on the civil rights of student groups, said Caleb Dalton, senior attorney for the Alliance Defending Freedom, which filed the suit on behalf of Young Americans for Freedom.

The student government passed the policy on March 27, two and a half weeks after Young Americans for Freedom hosted a speech by controversial conservative commentator Michael Knowles.

The student government said the policy would help maintain control over its assets, but Young Americans for Freedom claimed it was aimed at penalizing the group for hosting Knowles and giving a platform to speech that some found offensive.

Read the full article here


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