Former Nardin president files lawsuit, claims ‘hatred, vitriol’ and more by past and current leaders

The former embattled president of Nardin Academy forced from her job in June filed a federal lawsuit Thursday against the private Catholic school and eight former or current board members and others, charging the school with financial improprieties, academic deficiencies, resisting diversity initiatives and defamation.

Sandra Betters seeks a jury trial to consider her allegations and award damages to compensate her for economic losses, mental anguish and damage to her personal and professional reputation.

She also asks to be reinstated to her former Nardin job.  

A new board of trustees is in place at Nardin Academy following a tumultuous period that led to the former board’s removal on May 29. 

“Dr. Betters was faced with a school community full of hatred, vitriol, hysteria and retaliatory intent,” according to the lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Buffalo. “Board of Trustees members screamed in her face, threatened her and knowingly spread mistruths about her; faculty members secretly recorded her, spread private and sensitive information about the mental health of her child (who was a student at Nardin), and wrote false complaints in an effort to get Dr. Betters removed from her position; and community members, fueled by lies and false rumors,…

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